Join us for our 2021 Annual General Meeting!

Help us select our next Board of Directors and learn about the status of the organization.
Guest Speaker Tim Caulfield, winner of 2020 SWCC Book Awards in the General Audience category.
AGM Agenda
Call to order
Approval of 2020 AGM Minutes
Guest Speaker: Tim Caulfield, author of Relax Dammit!: A User’s Guide to the Age of Anxiety
President’s Report
Financial Statements
Motion: To update Article 2.1 of the SWCC Constitution to read: “SWCC will have a third-party compilation of its finances each year. This can include a “review engagement” or an “audit”, but these are not required for non-soliciting not-for-profit corporations with gross annual revenues under $1 million.
Committee Reports
Professional Development
Digital Media
50th Anniversary
Nominations Committee Report
Election of Board Members