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Your generous gift to us—however big or small—will go directly towards building strong and innovative science communication in Canada.

As a national, not-for-profit organization, our mission is to both serve our members by building a strong network among science communicators across Canada, and to serve the public by empowering informed decision making and encouraging an interest and trust in science.

With your generosity, we can strengthen and empower Canada’s scientific journalists, writers and communicators to ensure that Canadians get straight to the truth for the latest scientific findings at home and across the globe. Help us build a robust culture of science communication in Canada to combat a growing culture of misinformation and scientific illiteracy.

Thank you for your support as we all work towards a better world shaped by science.

Note: We are not a charity, and so cannot issue a receipt for a tax credit, but we will send you an email confirmation of your generous donation, along with a receipt.

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Toronto, ON

M5W 1A2

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