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Book Awards submission guidelines

For over 20 years, the Science Writers and Communicators of Canada (SWCC) has recognized outstanding contributions to science writing with the annual SWCC Book Awards. 

There are two submission categories available:

  1. Children (up to age 12)
  2. General public

Since 2021, SWCC has also awarded the Paradigm Prize for Underrepresented Perspectives in Science Writing. Eligible recipients include a first-time author, an author/illustrator from an equity-seeking or underrepresented background, and/or work published by a small press or independent publisher. The Paradigm Prize will be selected from the shortlist of finalists for the two main categories and can be held in tandem with one of the other awards. Please note that judges will only consider entries that self-disclose their eligibility for the Paradigm Prize.

The award for each of the two main categories is $1,000. The winner of the Paradigm Prize will also receive $500 in recognition of their achievement.


  • Authors must be a Canadian citizen or resident of Canada.
  • Books must have been published during the 2023 calendar year. Re-prints of published works from previous years are not eligible.
  • Entries can be published either in French or English.
  • You do not need to be a member of SWCC to submit.
  • Ghostwritten books are not eligible for the SWCC awards.
  • Textbooks, reference books, and technical field guides are not eligible for the SWCC awards.
  • Science fiction novels are not eligible for the SWCC awards.


  • Entries may deal with aspects of basic or applied science or technology (historical or current) in any area including health, social or environmental issues, regulatory trends, etc.
  • Books will be judged on literary excellence, as well as scientific content and accuracy. Specific judging criteria will include originality, clarity of interpretation, and value in promoting greater understanding of science among readers.
  • Books must be understandable to the layperson or children, with appropriate clarification of medical and scientific terminology.
  • The subject matter should be relevant to a broad audience and presented in such a way that it increases public awareness about a topic.


The Book Awards are currently closed for submissions. Submissions are accepted from September - November for titles published in that calendar year. 

The entry form will be available online here when submissions reopen. 

  • Submit a fully completed entry form. Please note that you will receive a confirmation email within five (5) business days once we have verified your eligibility.
  • Pay the $25 entry fee as per the instructions in the confirmation email. Please contact the Book Awards Committee ( if the entry fee will pose a barrier to submission.
  • Provide six (6) physical copies of the book for judging purposes as per the instructions in the confirmation email.
  • Book copies must be received by the shipping deadline noted in the entry form.
  • Failure to comply with any of these requirements will cause an entry to be disqualified. 


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