Having confirmed a new name for our organization, the Constitution Committee has completed its meticulous work of dotting the “i’s” and crossing the “t’s” on the by-laws that define how everything works. Much of this material was already discussed in last year’s deliberations at the Annual General Meeting in Guelph, but a number of concerns were raised at the time and the committee went back to the drawing board to address them. The name change was the first stage of this process and the attached document represents the second stage. Now we are asking all members to vote on it.
Almost all the contents of this revised constitution will look familiar from the last time around, but there are two key changes worth noting:
You will be hearing much more about this new committee, which should serve as this country’s first watchdog on the practice and status of science. It will position the Science Writers and Communicators of Canada as the central agency for any discussion in the field and a place that welcomes one and all who share the passion for these subjects. We are excited and curious to see who will step up to become a member of this new body.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and the hard-working Constitution Committee, I hope you share our enthusiasm for the new direction we have captured in this document. Please endorse it so we may get on with the work of making science communication, science writing, and science journalism undisputed pillars of Canadian culture.
To register your opinion on this new Constitution, please vote by April 18. If you have any technical difficulties contact Janice Benthin at office@sciencewriters.ca
P.O. Box 75 Station A
Toronto, ON
M5W 1A2