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Peer 2 Peer Program (Pilot)

Building a career in science communication or science writing can be challenging. But it doesn’t have to be lonely! SWCC members are science communicators/writers in different stages of their careers, working on a variety of institutions, from academia and research institutes to media and the government, and we can learn from one another and support each other in our journeys. This program aims to encourage experience exchange, support career development, and promote networking between SWCC members.

How to Participate

  1. Participants must be SWCC members in good standing.
  2. Update your Member Profile and make sure it includes a short bio and your current contact information. 
  3. Fill out the Peer 2 Peer Program registration form
  4. We will post participant profiles on this page in early September 2024.
  5. After reading participant profiles, reach out to a potential peer by clicking "Contact Me Here."
  6. We suggest peers meet once a month for a period of 6 months. Because SWCC is a national organization and members are spread across Canada, we suggest virtual meetings on Zoom, Teams, or similar.
  7. All participants will be invited to participate in bi-monthly group check-ins to discuss the benefits and challenges of the process.
  8. All participants are requested to fill out brief evaluation surveys to be sent by email.
  9. All participants shall accept the Terms & Conditions of the Peer 2 Peer Program.


P.O. Box 75 Station A

Toronto, ON

M5W 1A2

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